In his life, Danny Mendez has had the privilege of being a devoted husband to his late wife Sarah, loving dad and grandfather, skilled bilingual-bicultural pastor, nationally certified medical interpreter, and adventurous international team leader.

Having been born to immigrant parents from Costa Rica who moved to the United States to start Spanish-Speaking churches in Spanish-Speaking communities, early on Danny felt God’s hand leading his life.  Following this prompting, Danny enrolled in the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago to prepare for full-time ministry.  After meeting his Sarah there, God led them to marry and then led them into pastoral ministry in Minnesota, Chicago, and Colorado.

Since 2007 Danny has served as a consultant to Christian organizations and churches helping guide bilingual church resourcing workshops and helping lead youth service project teams in Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Peru, and the Dominican Republic.

Danny has extensive experience working with teens from a variety of cultural backgrounds.  He’s gleaned so much knowledge having been blessed to be able to lead weekly gatherings, mission trips, and being the main speaker at camps, retreats, and workshops.

Danny has seen firsthand, the cultural, familial and societal stressors that come with being a teenage mom. In his role as board member, Danny’s prayer is that God will use him to help bring together the resources necessary to empower the young ladies of Hope House to know that God loves them, they are not alone, and that others are willing to come alongside them as they navigate their future.